
The wench is fickle

Before it leaves my mind to never come back, I have to post this word, from Google:

Noun /wenCH/
[Synonyms: noun: girl, maid, lass, maiden, lassie - wenches plural]

-A girl or young woman
-A prostitute

-- at your own choice --

From Dictionary.com:

wench [wench] noun
1.a country lass or working girl: The milkmaid was a healthy wench.
2.Usually Facetious . a girl or young woman.
3.Archaic . a strumpet
[Syn.: harlot, trollop, streetwalker, moll, trull]
–verb (used without object)
4.to associate, esp. habitually, with promiscuous women.

1. a girl or young woman, esp a buxom or lively one: now used facetiously
2. archaic a female servant
3. archaic a prostitute
-- wenching is a synonym of promiscuity -- Here's the etymology:

wenchlate 13c., wenche "girl or young woman," shortened from wenchel "child" (12c.), from O.E. wencel, probably related to wancol "unsteady, fickle(*), weak," and cognate with O.N. vakr "child, weak person," O.H.G. wanchal "fickle." The word degenerated through being used in ref. to servant girls, and by mid-14c. was being used in a sense of "woman of loose morals, mistress." The verb meaning "to associate with common women" is from 1590s.
The wenche is nat dead, but slepith. [Wyclif, Matt. ix.24, c.1380]

So a woman could be a lady or a bitch (See); in the case of young women there's no doubt, they surely are wenches. And I guess any and every english speakers are very well aware of that.

(*) The ideal female adjective is fickle (Synonyms: inconstant, changeable, unsteady, variable, mutable, unstable, flighty, volatile, capricious, unsettled, versatile, mobile, mercurial) -- Just as Mr. Verdi used to say.


ha·ven Noun /ˈhāvən/
noun: harbor, harbour, port, shelter, refuge, asylum, harborage, sanctuary, harbourage
havens plural
A place of safety or refuge
a haven for wildlife
An inlet providing shelter for ships or boats; a harbor or small port

E.G.: "The Royal Navy is (not) a haven for cannibalism".


adjective: faulty, flawy, defective (of a substance or object)
1)Blemished, damaged, or imperfect in some way
flawed crystals
2) (of something abstract) Containing a mistake, weakness, or fault
a flawed strategy
3) (of a person) Having a weakness in character
a flawed hero

E.G.: "The wench is flawed"

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