Friday Jake sent me this message on my YT account: "Hi.. If you dig Beck I think you might like this.. thanks :)" -- Since I've listened to
feel like if a Mr. McCartney -so to write- suggested me to visit the website of The Beatles; well no, actually I can't remember such an intense emotion coming from any of the Fab Four songs, so I'm pretty damn sure that's even better for the blogger... As I've already commented on Youtube, to me this is the "best song of the millennium... so far." and this is the only case where I'd really like to have some readers, just only to share this marvel, and perhaps to nourish a viral web-thing... Listening to this Indie WebRadio for a couple of hours today (yet changing non-stop, depending on the bearability of the songs) just confirmed what I already knew, that most of the new musical scenario sucks, even on the not-too-much commercial side, and that Hollowmoon are a unique freaking great band indeed. I'll never thank Jake enough for this musical orgasm and ... Oh, my Goodness, Jake is the Singer (capital)!
How I like this VirtuaLife! =)
By the way,
Yesterday we were waiting for the "Super Moon", or "Perigee Moon" which happens to get that close to the Earth every18 years or so; obviously the weather down here was miserable, and once the clouds were gone -very late at night- the moon appeared to be the same old little lamp hanging up there...
While Anglophone people would define the Hollowmoon "hen's teeth", because of their greatness despite what they do (music) and when they do it (now) we Italians would call them white flies... So today I happened to watch once again
The fly by K. Neumann (1958)
wich is a tiny cute lovely classic B-movie with Vincent Price opening and ending
the horrible story of the fly-man
always a pleasure to watch, especially in the famous fly POV scene
really, it's astounding how a comic-like, cheap and yet entertaining piece of vintage cinema ends up to appear like some kind of of a gift nowadays, in the Remake Age
With Jerry Lewis' almost-sideshow and future Sister Mary Stigmata in Blues Brothers Kathleen Freeman
and the most unforgettable finale:
heeeLLLp.... heeeLLLLpp....
Cucina kosher ma doppiata, colla voce celestiale di Emilio Cigoli per Vincent Price, quella non meno sublime di Gualtiero De Angelis per l'ispettore e la melodiosa Dhia Cristiani per Patricia Owens.
Un coro d'angeli, ormai, letteralmente.
Un coro d'angeli, ormai, letteralmente.
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