
Sweded flick

This is possibly what the "sweded" movies in Be kind rewind were supposed to be; things that only seem to be movies from Sweden, like this one. That

Insane by A. Jacobsson &T. Sandquist
is very likely the worst "Z" horror flick ever made, you can read it in a good 99% of the IMDB users comments. To justify my posting tonight, I'll say that this is probably the worst product to ever came out of the human mind; the most poor, low, infamous, useless, hackneyed, corny, sloppy, awkward, gay piece of crap that one could ever start to watch, thinking it's a real movie. Because you see, at first sight, it looks just like a movie, indeed; I mean, there are images and sound, and everything,  and if it wasn't for the slaughtered chick in the opening scene, you could think that it is some sort of a freaky English video course, with Swedish guys speaking a cheesy, stiff and yet way too comprehensible American language.
Suddenly, you realize that, by mixing Cesare Marretti's

and Jurgen Proknow's

DNA, a mad scientist obtained an hypertrichotic Swedish restaurateur 

to star the umpteenth Psycho-like flick. Obviously the experiment went horribly wrong, for the resulting being  has the dramatic acting of the popular Italian TV cook, and the cooking abilities of the German thespian... We couldn't care any less except, perhaps, if we were dining at his restaurant.
The lesson -English thing apart- is quite clear; you can not make a motion picture by piling up a bunch of old, trite ideas -on the very base of the tritest one, the haunted-looking hotel with a "creepy" keeper- without even trying to make a sense out of it; in fact you can do that, and this is the result. 
Where the shadow of the bad guy in the distance, à la Halloween, and his jumping-jack entrances

are all equally pathetic, and the very little "serious" thinking about all of it is that the "crazy 60s" hotel

could have been a great location for a movie -horror, maybe- but, too bad, it's been spoiled already.
And if you think that the alleged horrid part (bit, indeed) of this horror could somehow reward your wasted time, take a look at here:

and think again.

This "movie" brings the "so bad" thing to a whole new level, that is: so bad you have to write a post about it. But you better don't. 

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