
Birth Day

I'm in arrears with my daily English words; even though I'm receiving one every day I didn't know how to tell you there were some left in my mailbox; well, they are ARREARS, so here we go now:

enspirit \en-SPIR-it\, verb:  To infuse life into; enliven.

olio \OH-lee-oh\, noun:
1. A mixture of heterogeneous elements; hodgepodge.
2. A dish of many ingredients.
3. A medley or potpourri, as of musical or literary selections; miscellany.
(my former teacher Harry, from London, didn't know the meaning of this one=)

impetrate \IM-pi-treyt\, verb:  To entreat; ask for.
We should know in the first place that enreat means:
1. Ask someone earnestly or anxiously to do something. 2. Ask earnestly or anxiously for (something)
(but we don't)

palingenesis \pal-in-JEN-uh-sis\, noun:
1. Rebirth; regeneration.
2. In biology, embryonic development that reproduces the ancestral features of the species.
3. Baptism in the Christian faith.
4. The doctrine of transmigration of souls.

Still I don't know why a "rebirth" has to be called with a greek word meaning "to sink"... Yet I know, that definitely is NOT the weirdest thing of christiandom...

tristful \TRIST-fuhl\, adjective:  Full of sadness; sorrowful.

I just needed this one: I've always been sad, blue, gloomy and sorrowful, today I'm tristful. Much better.
And I know what I'm doing right now:

divagate \DAHY-vuh-geyt\, verb:
1. To wander; stray.
2. To digress in speech.

(giving a modern meaning to this old verb=)

scurf \SKURF\, noun:
1. The scales or small shreds of epidermis that are continually exfoliated from the skin.
2. Any scaly matter or incrustation on a surface.

Not sure I want to use this one.

hyaline \HAHY-uh-lahyn\, adjective:
1. Glassy or transparent.  noun:
1. In biochemistry, a horny substance found in hydatid cysts, closely resembling chitin.
1. Of or pertaining to hyaline.
1. In biochemistry, a transparent substance found in cartilage, the eye, etc., resulting from the pathological degeneration of tissue

I know this one, very similar to our ialino; I guess i could use it in crossword puzzles, so as the Italian one.

pogonip \POG-uh-nip\, noun:  An ice fog that forms in the mountain valleys of the western U.S.

We don't need to know this, as long as we're not there.

estivate \ES-tuh-veyt\, verb:
1. To spend the summer, as at a specific place or in a certain activity.
2. In zoology, to spend a hot, dry season in an inactive, dormant state, as certain reptiles, snails, insects, and small mammals.

I'm not that kind of mammal, yet I know how I'd like to estivate next summer...

horripilate \haw-RIP-uh-leyt\, verb:  To produce a bristling of the hair on the skin from cold, fear, etc.; goose flesh.

I know, I know, this is from Latin, there is pilum in it... Horripilating.

bespoke \bih-SPOHK\, adjective:
1. Made to individual order; custom-made.
2. Of the making or selling such clothes.
3. (Archaic:) Engaged to be married; spoken for.

Some phrases of the week:
Fed up: Meaning To have had more than enough of so mething or someone, or to be bored with or tired of the same.

I already knew this one. I'm kind of fed up with English idioms.
Today is my birthday. I guess I should give birth to somehing, but I still don't know what.
I'll better move to the kitchen.

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