
Parole e giorni

Brobdingnagian \brob-ding-NAG-ee-uhn\, adjective:
Of extraordinary size; gigantic; enormous.

"I suppose this won't be a post of brobdingnagian proportions"

jactation \jak-TEY-shuhn\, noun:
1. A restless tossing of the body.
2. Boasting; bragging.

"And it won't cause no jactation in any reader"

imago \ih-MAH-goh\, noun:
1. An idealized concept of a loved one, formed in childhood and retained unaltered in adult life.
2. Entomology. An adult insect.

"This is not the imago of a blog I had in my childhood. Of course, blogs were quite rare then."

wend \WEND\, verb:
1. To pursue or direct (one's way).
2. To proceed or go.
Wend can be traced back to the Goth wandjan, which is related to the verb "to wind."

"We better wend out of this post right now."

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