
Lucifugous things

lucifugous \loo-see-FOO-guhs\, adjective:Avoiding light.There begin to be

efface \ih-FAYS\, transitive verb:1. To cause to disappear by rubbing out, striking out, etc.; to erase; to render illegible or indiscernible.2. To destroy, as a mental impression; to wipe out; to eliminate completely.3. To make (oneself) inconspicuous

satori \suh-TOHR-ee\, noun:In Zen Buddhism, the state of sudden indescribable intuitive enlightenment.

agog \uh-GOG\, adjective:Full of excitement or interest; in eager desire; eager, keen.

mussitate \MUHS-i-teyt\, verb:To silently move the lips in simulation of audible speech.

Now I'm trying to mussitate the word lucifugous, agog while reaching my daily satori; of course, I'm going to efface the post. Later.

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