A proposito della Manifestazione Frattale, incollo qui una eloquente illustrazione tratta dall'opera di The Fractal Geometry of Nature di Benoît Mandelbrot:
Description following:
The period of Western Europeanhistory centered at 1200, while stagnant inscience and philosophy, was exuberantly activein engineering. In the age that built theGothic cathedrals, to be a master mason wasa very high calling. Thus, the "BiblesMoralisees illustrees" of that time ("comicstrip" Bibles) often represent the Lord holdingmason's dividers (Friedman 1974).Plate CI is an example. It is the frontispieceof a famous Bible Moralisee , writtenbetween 1220 and 1250, in the Eastern Champagnedialect of French. It now resides in theAustrian National Library in Vienna (codex2554), and is reproduced with the Library'skind permission. The legend reads:ICI CRIE DEX CIEL ET TERRESOLEIL ET LUNE ET TOZ ELEMENZ.(HERE CREATES GOD SKY AND EARTHSUN AND MOON AND ALL ELEMENTS.)We perceive three different kinds of form inthis newly created world: circles, waves, and"wiggles." The studies of circles and wavesbenefited from colossal investments of effortby man, and they form the very foundation ofscience. In comparison, "wiggles" have beenleft almost totally untouched.The goal of the present Essay is to face thechallenge of building a Natural Geometry ofcertain "wiggles," to be called "fractals."A most attractive feature of this plate isthat it begs the scientist to "take the measureof the universe." To apply dividers to circlesand waves had long proven an easy task. Butwhat if we apply dividers to the wiggles onthis plate, ... or to coastlines on Earth?"
(Op. cit. - Ebook pag. 291)
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