
The Root of All Evil, and all of his blooms

About The God Delusion - The root of all evil by Professor Richard Dawkins.

FACTS are: that the only professors teaching the truth are the likes of Sir Crick, who stated "... what everyone believed yesterday, and you believe today, only cranks will believe tomorrow." Because there is no "evidence" about anything, since we now know that the process of  looking at it actually modify "matter" at its  "atomic" level; because nothing is definitive, especially in the process of learning, which includes all of what is -or should be- called "science"; that the only priests teaching the truth are those who'll spend most of their lives in caves, or on top of pillars, totally alone, because the only truth we'll ever come close to in this life is inside, within us, where it's always been and always will be, and if there's something you just can't teach anyone is to believe in something he doesn't want to believe, and I know that for sure. Catholic priests can teach a lot of weird ancient formulas, or "prayers", and fancy and bloody and tremendous stories about ancient mad jews, but of course they cannot teach how to BELIEVE that rubbish. While most of the professors -and teachers- in the world can, and actually do, in regard to their *science*.
Finally, I can't believe in the utter materialism of the modern scientific system nor could I believe in what any religious system could teach me, if ever, about my own spirituality; that I am just a bunch of flesh and blood, a "thinking animal," rather than a "thinking ghost" in a world of nonsensical delusions; facts are that we're not completely material, since we don't even know the principle on which this very matter of ours appears to be "real" (let alone its being "alive"); nor we're completely spiritual, because we still have to eat and drink and to write our blogs every day, so what I tend to believe is that humans are some sort of an interaction between this two WORDS (which still define "ideas" and "forces" that we're still not able to fully understand) and that there would be no reason for any of them to be -here and now- without the other; and that is what I like to call "Mana", and I can only express in this logosphere as "Magic". 
That ALL and everything is magic; infinite, and eternal, because "time" and "space" are just the Act and the Scenary of this Great Magic Show. I am, and have always been, an "atheist"; and yet I've always felt like if this Great Magic is great enough to host gods and/or demons of any kind. Like... us, of course, and yet some of the most diverse nature, as well. 

I will never believe in any scientific system which simply overlooks, ignores or denies "supernatural interventions" of some sort, whilst it is not able to get any kind of evidence to explain what remains "unexplainable" in materialistic terms; nor will I believe in any religious system that allows the worst crimes against the "sacred" gifts of Nature, even against the lowest form of common sense, while keeping alive the mysterious ceremonies of ancient  middle-east warmongers... Most of all, not that guy spreading words of peace and poverty behind the bullet-proof crystal of a million-dollar car. Now, THAT is just preposterous.

But then again, no "science" as we know it could ever provide what any "religion" actually offers to the people, in spite of its being an abominable psycho-logical fraud and a spiritual hoax; the "evolutionist" skeptic professor should be wiped out just like the "creationist" bigot; they both are not right, neither they're somehow close to being true; they just believe what they think is "real" and actually is, to them.
And that's all.
I am a blogger. I only believe in my blog, but only one post at a time.
And this one is over now.

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