

Sunsetter © 2011 LexyLex 

Today I've finally found the words to send this umpteenth wordless song of mine to my virtual friend Jake, lead singer of Hollowmoon (See). At least "virtual friends" may be much better than what they used to call in the past century, "imaginary friends"... This music came to say something to your blogger and virtual musician; something that I couldn't read, see or even understand, but I still can hear and feel, so I can only hope even Jake will be able to feel it and perhaps to add some of his finest poetry... and to sing it.
That would be just great.
Music is so close to dreams.

Googling around to find the right words (that this song with J's voice would make me faint) I also happened to know of this higly idiotic game, called fainting game; in fact, by the number of names they gave to it, that's even more than idiotic: it's popular! So, until the day J & I'll be able to offer you a musical swoon, good choking everyone.

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