

I'm writing now what was crossing my mind about 25 years ago, in the form of the screenplay that it was supposed to be, being the idea that of a motion picture, "The flying corporal". I haven't written anything which could relate my cinematic fantasy to my daily military life, nothing about the movie  itself, except for reviews. Review is the ultimate form of cinema, more or less like bones are the ultimate form of a man. Now, I've got my box of bones, and I'm using my very breath to revive them. There are reviews, and drawings. I mean, sketches.
That's where everything comes from; idea is just a reflection of what the ancient verb meant.
"I am a machine for seeing and for remembering."
I am no screenwriter, nor English at all.
This is what I've always wanted to do, in this kind of "life".
Like when you're an old piece of junk, and you must find a single reason why you have reached that point, then you don't have to think about how many electric rams* you have built, how many walls you have painted, how many blackberries you have gathered, how many road signs, or webpages you have made, or how many words you have written, but you can say: I have done what I wanted to do when I was a child.
Which is exactly what everyone would do, if we just didn't stop being children.
This is the hardest part, as you may know, for an "adult".
Yet this is what I have to do, and if I have to fill up a number of virtual pages with words, and if those words can't be written in my native language, I will do it. In fact, I should be doing it right now.
In fact, I am doing it, right now.

*) Do androids dream of electric rams, too?

2 commenti:

  1. I think I can relate to this post quite a bit. Or perhaps I interpreted this post in a way that I wanted to conceive it. Nonetheless, it actually kind of spoke to me.
    By the way, I wish I understood italian. I'm a huge movie buff and from the little that I could interpret from a couple of your posts, it seems like you had some interesting reviews of the movies.

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