
Scrub my chum, if you can

chum Noun   /CHəm/
chums plural
A close friend
A form of address expressing familiarity or friendliness:  it's your own fault, chum

scrub Rub (someone or something) hard so as to clean them, typically with a brush and water
Remove dirt by rubbing hard it took ages to scrub off the muck
Thoroughly clean one's hands and arms, esp. before performing surgery 
Cancel or abandon (something) 
Remove impurities from (gas or vapor)
(of a rider) Rub the arms and legs urgently on a horse's neck and flanks to urge it to move faster

The story is about the danger that synthetic drugs represent: probably an autobiography of the author/director.

Ralph Fiennes' accent is pretty good, but that's not exactly what I'm looking for in movies

And the best spoiler I could ever write about this is: WTF? Seriously, it was so gay.

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