
Un uomo chiamato cavallo cinese

Chi sono? Io, Jasper L. Thompson, blogger?
Cerco di scoprirlo attraverso il più antico metodo di associazione zoologica e divinazione figurata, l'Oroscopo Cinese; su internet ci sono innumerevoli siti che offrono la possibilità di calcolare l'anno e il conseguente segno astrologico Cinese. Ecco i risultati:
www.12chinesezodiacsigns.com : Cavallo (Bing-Hu)
www.chinesezodiachoroscope.com : Cavallo
www.horoscope.co.uk/chinese_index.htm : Serpente (di legno)
www.chinese-tools.com/astrology/sign.html : Cavallo (马)
www.chinatoday.com/culture/zodiac/zodiac.htm: Cavallo
www.astrologizeme.com/chinese_sign_us.php : Cavallo
www.locketown.com/chinese_horoscope.htm : Cavallo
www.chinesezodiac.com : Cavallo
www.astrology.com : Cavallo
www.tuvy.com/entertainment/horoscope : Cavallo
www.rainfall.com/horoscop/chinese.htm : Serpente
Infine, secondo www.chinesehoroscopeonline.com sono nato nell'anno del Cavallo Rosso o di Fuoco (maschio), nel mese del Topo Bianco di ferro (maschio) e nel giorno del Cane Nero d'acqua (maschio). Immagino che fosse l'ora del Pollo (maschio), ma questa è solo una mia ipotesi scientifica. Dunque, benché dall'ultima volta che mi sono interessato all'argomento -nel millennio passato- abbia sempre pensato di essere un Serpente (di legno) la percentuale equina mi pare abbastanza schiacciante per dichiararmi ufficialmente Cavallo. In senso Cinese.

Strano ri-scoprirlo proprio oggi, quando per una serie di circostanze mi trovo a dover recapitare un involucro sospetto ad un amico di vecchia data... Strano, come tutto, se non consideriamo il paradigma del Falso...

But let's face the facts, according to the Chinese traditional astrology:
Horses are trustworthy, friendly and open-minded. They are good friends to have and will always be honest with you. Although they are good confidants, Horse people do enjoy their alone time and are usually independent people. They can struggle with obstinance and self-centeredness, which can lead to a flare of the temper if they don't get their way. Usually, after an episode or temper-tantrum a Horse can feel remorse, yet not all people will be able to forgive their reaction. The Fire Horse is animated and sociable. He has a wild side that leads him to a life on the edge. Fire Horses are generally either incredibly lucky or ridiculously unlucky. They love the excitement of action and the change it brings. The Fire element makes them passionate about their feelings and they always take a stand in a situation. Fire Horses are never on the fence about anything and have definitive opinions about the world. Their tempers can be overbearing.


And again:
Some clues from www.tuvy.com:

Through all the moons of many a year, the Fire Horse is a dynamic creature, with a vigor that promises youth and freshness until the very end of life. The will and the spirit of the Fire Horse cannot be broken. This Horse goes through life with philosophical patience and the ability to bounce back from adversity no matter how dire the circumstances. In times of solitude, Fire Horses also have an insatiable need for intellectual stimulation and they satisfy their curiosity for learning through reading, listening, conversing, and travel abroad. Fire Horses make inspiring leaders, revered and respected. They encourage their subordinates with kindness and just the right degree of strictness and work well with people in all stations of life. Financial rewards fall in the middle ground, not too bad, not terrific, but always comfortable. Being in love with the Fire Horse brings pure rapture. These noble Horses are generous with their love, with hugs and kisses. Loved ones always know where they stand because Fire Horses demonstrate every day through their actions the love they feel deep within. Each day is a soft and tender love poem

Yea, ginger is good, but you'll NEVER find me at the superbowl; in fact, you'll hardly find me out of this blog. Anyways, now I know what I really am, a Houyhnhnms myself, that's why I love them so much; and I also know what to do just after I finished reading this stuff: run!

P.S.: Feels like I'll always feel a Houyhnhnms in a world of Yahoos.

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