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Mostly for some impossible acrobatic shooting -a CG possibility very often despised in this kind of movies- an almost-spooky-at-first realism of the characters and their acting (from a great motion capture work) and some very funny line (just sits there waiting... mocking us with its ... houseness)

Monster House by G.Kenan (2006)

turns out to be way better than the over-overrated UP, and the scene above, where Chowder tries to stop the Monster House running after him by locking up the gate, is just hilarious.
Strangely enough, as Halloween gets closer I find myself watching this Halloween-movie on Youtube ; too bad we don't have a little creepy victorian house in front of us here, but the umbearable horror of an old sleazy building hosting bank offices only. Is that kind of a monster that don't eat people alive, but just eat'em away in time, with its capitalistic and burocratic bleakness. Well, let's see what will happen there on Saturday night.

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