
The Shadow Of A Doubt

It was a long time I didn't watch

Targets by P.Bogdanovich (1968)

here above you can see the shadow on the wall: but no doubt, it is a camera, which seems to run on a dolly. I guess the operator was italian, and when he was told to follow the actor and shoot the room he thought he had to shoot the camera, since that's the Italian word for "room".
Targets is a movie about shooting people. You don't have to be Italian to get the joke here.
I don't know how much of the script lays on this, but I dare to think that it's not casual.
Bogdanovich looks kinda smart ass.

1968: you can see how the horror from the mass media has already overtaken the "old style" romantic horror of the Hammer-like movies:

(35 years before Elephant)

"No one's afraid of a painted monster", is the comment by Boris Karloff as mr. Byron Orlok.
The young baberuth-crazed sniper Bobby has the very arty idea of shooting people from behind the screen of the drive-in where Orlok/Karloff appears either on the screen (starring in Corman's The Terror, with a young Nicholson) so as (almost) live, to finally slap the "real" horror in the face, leaving us with his final line: "Is that I was afraid of?"
Sure the old "Mister Bogyeman", "The King of Blood" can laugh up his sleeve:

while getting drunk with the director himself (Bogdanovich as Sammy Michaels, director).
The year is 1968, and he alredy had one foot in the grave; possibly, he used to sleep in there...
only a few movies to the words "THE END"!

As I thought, and perhaps I wrote somewhere, THAT is the ultimate, capital Hero; the one who's close enough to the Other Side to see at this one as almost done, while his memories seem to be more dream-like, day after day. Day after day, more true than ever before.
So that is our true hero, and a cardigan sweater is his suit of armor. Just like mine.

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